4 Things You Need To Know About Mold Allergies

Posted on: 8 June 2015

Mold is a type of fungus that breaks down natural materials like food and wood. It plays a useful role in the ecosystem, but it can also cause an allergic reaction in some people. Here's what you need to know about mold allergies.

Is there mold inside your house?

Mold is found everywhere, both indoors and outdoors, but since mold spores are tiny, you can't see mold until it forms a large colony. Mold gets into your home through gaps or openings in your home's structure, like doors, windows, and vents. It can also hitch a ride into your house on your clothes, shoes, or your pets. This means that it's likely that mold is inside your house, even if you can't see it.

What are the signs of a mold allergy?

If you're allergic to mold, you'll have an allergic reaction when you breathe in the spores. Like other allergens, this can cause a wide range of symptoms, ranging from mild and inconvenient to serious and life threatening. You may experience mild symptoms like a runny or stuffy nose, watery eyes, and a cough, which can be mistaken for a cold at first. You may also experience more severe symptoms like difficulty breathing, a rash, or swelling of your throat.

How do you avoid mold exposure?

A mold allergy is difficult to handle, because mold is everywhere, and it's nearly impossible to avoid it. You can't completely remove mold from your life, but you can reduce the amount of mold in your home. Mold colonies form wherever there is moisture, for example, in your bathroom or near a leaky pipe in your basement. Getting rid of this moisture is essential for getting rid of mold, so if you have leaky pipes or a humidity problem, deal with those issues first. Next, the mold colony needs to be removed. It's possible to do this yourself, but since you're allergic, it may be safer to hire a contractor to get rid of the mold for you.

Can a mold allergy be treated?

Avoiding exposure to mold is the best treatment for this allergy, but since mold is so widespread, it's hard to do this. You may also need medications to help ease your symptoms. There are lots of medications available that reduce allergy systems, such as nasal corticosteroids and antihistamines. You may also be able to get immunotherapy, a treatment that can effectively treat allergies with a series of shots.

Mold allergies are hard to deal with since mold is everywhere. If you think you have this allergy, talk to your doctor or an allergist at Alaska Natural Health Solutions about your concerns.
